Our research team includes professors and research scientists at MIT with broad expertise covering modeling and science of weather extremes, downscaling approaches and machine learning, climate tipping points and paleoclimate, flood modeling, climate adaptation and preparedness for cities, the real estate market, urban policy and equity, renewable energy systems, and energy grid resilience. Our team also includes Dr. Andreas Prein, an external partner at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
Paul O’Gorman
Professor, EAPS
Project co-lead
Lead for the science of extremes; Precipitation extremes, rare-event sampling
Miho Mazereeuw
Associate Professor, Architecture; Director - Urban Risk Lab
Project co-lead
Lead for adaptation for communities; workshop and online platforms connecting federal policies to local action
Kerry Emanuel
Professor Emeritus, EAPS
Project co-lead
Lead for atmospheric downscaling; Science and modeling of weather and climate extremes
Saurabh Amin
Associate Professor
Resilience of power infrastructure
Kristin Bergmann
Assistant Professor, EAPS
Paleoclimate and climate tipping points
Timothy Cronin
Assistant Professor, EAPS
Science and modeling of weather and climate extremes
Raffaele Ferrari
Professor, EAPS
Ocean dynamics and modeling
Xiang Gao
Principle Research Scientist, CGCS
Science and modeling of weather and climate extremes
Brian Goldberg
Assistant Director, MIT Office of Sustainability
Use of MIT campus as a laboratory for climate adaptation
Michael Howland
Assistant Professor, CEE
Modeling of renewable energy systems
David McGee
Associate Professor, EAPS
Paleoclimate and climate tipping points
Sai Ravela
Principle Research Scientist, EAPS
Machine learning; Downscaling and flood modeling
Andreas Prein
Project Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
High-resolution climate modeling
Dan Rothman
Professor, EAPS
Lead for tipping points; Paleoclimate and climate tipping points
Adam Schlosser
Senior Research Scientist, CGCS
Science and modeling of weather and climate extremes; energy grid resilience
Kairos Shen
Associate Professor of the Practice & Executive Director, MIT Center for Real Estate
Climate adaptation and the real estate market
Justin Steil
Associate Professor, DUSP
Urban policy and civil rights law
Kenneth Strzepek
Research Scientist, CGCS
Lead for flood modeling; Urban stormwater modeling, hydroelectric generation, economic development
Talia Tamarin-Brodsky
Assistant Professor, EAPS
Temperature extremes and storm tracking
Jessika Trancik
Professor, IDSS
Lead for energy systems; Renewable energy and energy storage
Postdoctoral Associates, Research Staff, and Graduate Students
Aditya Barve
Research Scientist, Urban Risk Lab (PI: Miho Mazereeuw)
Crisis informatics tools and community-led planning for climate adaptation.
Maxime Bouscary
Graduate Research Assistant (PI: Saurabh Amin)
Aron Brenner
Graduate Researcher, CEE (PI: Saurabh Amin)
Lidia Cano Pecharroman
PhD Candidate, SAP + Urban Risk Lab (PI: Miho Mazereeuw)
Participatory planning for extreme weather events and Climate Adaptation Policy and Planning
Sandeep Chinta
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT CGCS (PI: Adam Schlosser)
Perrin Davidson
Postdoctoral Associate, EAPS (PI: Daniel Rothman)
Iris de Vries
Postdoctoral Scholar (PI: Paul O'Gorman and Raffaele Ferrari)
Emulators for climate extremes
Erin Dougherty
Project scientist (NCAR)
Justin Finkel
Postdoctoral Associate, EAPS (PI: Paul O’Gorman)
Dynamics of extreme weather events, rare event sampling methods for extreme precipitation events
Shannon Hwang
PhD Candidate, IDSS (PI: Jessica Trancik)
Rahman Khorramfar
Postdoctoral Associate, LIDS (PI: Saurabh Amin)
Energy Optimization
Kerry Klemmer
Postdoctoral Associate, CEE (PI: Saurabh Amin)
Funing Li
Postdoctoral Associate, EAPS (PI:Talia Tamarin-Brodsky)
Formation and evolution of extreme weather, including severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, extreme heat and precipitation
Shuchang Liu
SNSF Postdoctoral Fellow, EAPS (PI: Paul O’Gorman)
Reducing uncertainty in tropical precipitation projections
Mayank Ojha
Research Scientist, Urban Risk Lab (PI: Miho Mazereeuw)
Collective mapping and AI applications for community-led risk awareness and decision support
Larisa Ovalles
Research Scientist, Urban Risk Lab (PI: Miho Mazereeuw)
Community-led design, Climate adaptation planning
Jiangchao Qiu
Postdoctoral Associate, Earth Signals and Systems Group, EAPS (PI: Sai Ravela)
Anamitra Saha
Postdoctoral Associate, EAPS (PI: Sai Ravela)
Sami Shokrana
Postdoctoral Associate, CGCS (PI: Ken Strzepek)
Impacts of climate change on urban flooding in a coastal settings.
Robert van der Drift
Graduate Student, EAPS (PI:Paul O'Gorman)
Convective precipitation extremes
Constantin Arnscheidt
Graduate Researcher, EAPS (PI: Daniel Rothman)
Angela Loescher-Montal.
Graduate Research Assistant, Urban Risk Lab (PI: Miho Mazereeuw)
Sara Porcetta
Postdoctoral Associate (PI: Michael Howland)
Joaquin Salas
Visiting Professor, EAPS (PI: Sai Ravela)
Ali Sarhadi
Postdoctoral Associate, EAPS (PI: Kerry Emanuel)
Physics-based computational frameworks to understand compound hazard dynamics.
Micah Ziegler
Postdoctoral Associate, IDSS (PI: Jessica Trancik)
Energy systems: renewable energy and energy storage